Paul Booth has been working in the field of addictions for nearly 30 years. He is a licensed psychotherapist with a specialty in marriage and family counseli He holds a masters degree in educational counseling psychology and bachelor degrees in chemical dependency studies and psychology. He is a state and internationally certified addictions counselor, Relapse Prevention Specialist, certified clinical supervisor of chemical dependency counselors and teaches family and chemical dependency to new therapist at CSUN. He is also a certified Sex Addiction Therapist.
Paul is a Certified On-Line Therapist (#00022), state (CAADAC #034021) and nationally (NCACII #007995) and internationally certified addictions counselor, Relapse Prevention
Specialist, Clinical Hypnotherapist (CHT #194-192) and credentialed educator. Mr. Booth is also a CAADAC certified clinical supervisor (CS #032-035) of chemical dependency counselors. Paul lives in Ventura and currently works with the Physicians Diversion Program of the Medical Board of the State of California. He also has provided relapse prevention services and family group counseling for Miracle Recovery Home for women for the past six years.
He has organized and led men’s groups, adult children/codependency and recovery retreats. Paul has worked with the Los Angeles National Council on Alcoholism as a community prevention specialist and the staff therapist and emotional care coordinator for Aids Care, Inc. He was also a teacher at the Health Careers Academy at Rio Mesa High School in Oxnard and a recovery educator for the Ventura Sheriff’s Department.His private practice provides therapy for individuals, couples, and families, as well as On-Line Therapy. He also is a designated provider of services for the Dept. of Transportation SAP services to many government, health, and recovery organizations in Ventura County. He has over 17 years experience developing and managing prominent addiction recovery programs in Southern California. He has trained with Terry Gorski, Stephanie Brown, John Bradshaw and was a facilitator of Terry Kellogg’s Lifeworks Clinic for 5 years.
He has extensive training in all areas of the recovery process with an emphasis on Proactive Relapse Prevention planning and recovery support networking. He is an enthusiastic and energetic instructor who utilizes humor, personal experience, and research and case examples in his teachings. He offers several workshops at Ventura College, UC Santa Barbara, and throughout the community. He is also available for corporate and community workshops and presentations.